Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Welcome to my Blog.....Hello, my name is Risky Handayani one student from Jakarta State Polytechnic Creative Media. I’am student of Photography from Publishing Department. Why I chose photography as an educational lecture? Because since high school, I attended extracurricular related to photography, but it was inspired by my sister who works as a photographer. From there I would like to deepen the knowledge of photography in order to create memorable work for others.My goal in creating this blog is to show the works that I made during a student at the Polytechnic of Creative Media. One of my blog made when I was an internship at a company Nay Photography Surabaya. I got so many lessons, and I fell directly spaciousness with photographing clients in a studio that has been famed Studio Adventure Surabaya. There, I was taught how to adjust the lighting, property, clients and others. After obtaining a science internship, I was planning to continue in Jakarta as a freelance photographer.Now I want to really focus on education in photography, because photography has always introduced me to new things. By searching some references, I always wanted to make something interesting, from the emergence of the idea and in shape through the concept. Photography is also the way we tell about the lives that exist around us,. Not only images but in a caption that help us understand the picture to the reader.

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